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Let's discover Tok2Me in less than 5 minutes.

Getting Started#

Get started by create, build, test and publish your personal ai-avatar.

Or browser Toke2Me demo immediately at demo.

Create, Build, Test and Publish Your Ai-Avatar#

Login Tok2Me, and following the instructions to create, build, test and publish your ai-avatar in just few click!

  • Create

    • Create your personal OpenAI account, and other Cloud service account to create a "home" for your Ai-Avatar.
  • Build

    • Add your personal profiles, blogs, papers or anything that you create/build in other digital space.
    • Edit your custome prompts to manage your Ai-Avatar how to interact.
    • Build/Edit your Ai-Avatar imgaes with any tools you like.
  • Test

    • Use chat to test how your Ai-Avatar performance.
    • Debug or update your data to make sure your Ai_Avatar is fine and ready to work.
  • Publish

    • Choose your Ai-Avatar's images.
    • Custome your Prompt to make sure everthing is under your control.

Deploy Your Ai-Avatar#

After Pblished, You can see your Ai-Avatra is ready to work on his work position.

You can deploy your Ai-Avatar in different work positions. There are three basic kind of work position:

  • Cloud
    • Deploy your Ai-Avatar on cloud. People can access to reach you.
  • Bot
    • Deploy Your Ai-Avatar using Bot. People can reach it via Bot App, eg, wechat bot or discord bot.
  • Private
    • Deploy Your Ai-Avatar on your private data center. People can access it bu your configuration.